
My name is Jeralyn Medrano. I was born and raised in Portland and earned my Bachelor of Fine Arts at Portland State University in Graphic Design with a minor in Advertising. I made the most of my college experience by getting involved with my community and lending my skills to organizations such as PSU Kaibigan: Filipino-American Student Association and PSU COMMA. Some of the strengths I gained are in Branding, Social Media Management, and Social Media Advertising.

The relationship between design and individuals intrigues me the most about graphic design. I love the creative process, from brainstorming with a team to developing ideas to delivering our results to clients. When designing, I find myself learning more about the process each step of the way, and the sparks from learning drive me to discover more. As a graphic designer, I value bringing ideas to life through the spirit and collaboration of a collaborative team.

I'm always seeking new opportunities to connect with others and grow as a graphic designer. Let's connect, share ideas, and learn from one another!

Email: jeramedra@gmail.com